b. Machine Drilling Bits (Drilling Elements)
c. Assembly Machines
d. Injection Machines
a. Creation of the Mirror
b. Drilling Process
c. Installation of Pipes
d. Installation of Pipes
e. Injection Preparations
f. Re-entry to Excavation and Excavation Steps

UMBRELLA BORU SÜREN sistemi, tünel yüzeyine ve çevresine uzunlamasına yerleştirilen yapısal destek elemanıdır. Sürülen boru çapları 3.5” ile 4.5” arasında değişebilir. Bu sistem, şemsiye benzeri bir yapı oluşturarak tünel içindeki desteksiz açıklığa destek sağlar. Şemsiye kemer, genellikle tünel içindeki çalışma yüzünün arkasındaki desteksiz açıklığın yanı sıra önündeki zemine de destek sağlar.Önce delgi yapılır sonra içerisine boru sokulan bu sistemde eğer delgi sonrası delgi içerisi temiz tutulamıyor, delgiler göçüyor, borunun montajlanmasına fırsat vermiyor ise “Robit Umbrella Arch” yöntemine geçilmelidir.

UMBRELLA PIPE DRIVING support elements are considered as a preliminary support technique, as they are applied before the initial excavation. It is essential to note that the umbrella arch provides support not only for the unsupported opening immediately behind the working face but also for the ground in front of and behind the working face. Unlike other support elements, its significant difference lies in its ability to create support even within an unexcavated tunnel section.

Rock drilling machines are used as UMBRELLA PIPE DRIVING drilling machines. These machines are either single-boom or double-boom machines with a slide and a drilling gun. Machine movements are powered by an on-board diesel engine. Mirror operation is achieved using an electric hydro motor (oil pressure motor). These machines typically require 85 kW of electrical power in the working face.

Photo 3 - Umbrella Pipe Driving Drilling Machine
b- Machine Drilling Bits (Drilling Elements)
The basic drilling tools for rock drilling machines are created using "AUGER" (twisted drill) and "Od Bits" (Overburden Drilling Bits) drill bits. The drill diameter is usually 140mm. "AUGER" drills include a helical bit and rods, and the removal of excavated material is achieved by pressurized air and the backward movement of material through the twist. "AUGER" drills are used in loose soils without rock masses, such as silty and clayey soils. For partially unexcavatable and cut-needed soils, "Overburden Drilling Bits" and "Down-the-hole hammers" are used. In this method, separating pressure and rotation allows the cutting edge to continue rotating while the rod holding it remains stationary in the ground. The force applied to the cutting edge is also dependent on high-pressure air used for clearing the well. This method prevents the well from collapsing in holes drilled in soil subjected to high pressure and impact.

Photo 4 - Drilling Elements "Overburden Drilling Bits" and "Down-the-hole hammers"

Photo 5 - Drill Bits "AUGER" (twisted Rod)
c- Assembly Machines
"UMBRELLA ARC" pipes are lifted into an upright position in the direction of drilling using any machine with a boom arm. The pipes are then pushed into the hole.

Photo 6 - UMBRELLA PIPE DRIVING Pipe Installation
d. Injection Machines
Pressurized injection machines are used, consisting of two essential mechanisms: mixer and compressor.

All materials required for manufacturing are sourced from approved suppliers.
- 4'' (Ø114.3x4.5mm +/- 0.10mm) Industrial Pipe L=9m (S235JRH, EN 10219-2)
- CEM I 42.5 R - SR 5 Sulfate Resistant Portland Cement (TSE EN 197-1)
- 18Q Coil Pipe-Normal-001 045 010018 00 11 (18mm - 6 bar / 320 N Kangal Pipe)

a. Creation of the Mirror
The rising Shoring system is mandatory for umbrella assembly. In this method, the kilometer where the pipe will be installed must be 50 cm outside the excavation project section. This allowance is necessary for placing the pipes, drilling holes, and operating the machine.
b. Drilling Process
Drilling with a BIT or AUGER with a diameter of 140mm will be performed. The hole diameter is larger than the pipe diameter to prevent issues during pipe placement. Drills are made in sequence, starting with the first row at 0.5m intervals. After the assembly of pipes in the first drills is completed, drilling continues by entering between the first drills to the second drills. This method prevents the collapse of the previous drill hole or the formation of debris that would hinder the installation of the pipe. Drills are 9m long and are performed at an angle of 6 - 9 degrees over a length of 9m. This angle allows the rise of the next anodes and the formation of a 50cm UMBRELLA assembly mirror in the next umbrella arch section.

c. Installation of Pipes
Pipes with a diameter of Ø=114.3mm and a length of 9m are pointed in a triangular chamfered shape before drilling, and the ends are perforated irregularly at 1.5m intervals. The perforation process is crucial to stop injection between the pipe and the ground. Pre-prepared, pointed, and perforated pipes are lifted into the hole with a suitable machine, with the pointed end entering the hole first after the first row of drilling. Then, it is aligned with the hole and pushed inward for installation. After the second stage of drilling, the remaining pipes are mounted in the newly formed holes using the same method.

Photo 10 - Umbrella Pipe Ends Chamfered

d. Installation of Pipes PVC pipes are placed for injection into the installed UMBRELLA pipes. One of these pipes is long, and the other is short, with the end of the long hose left long for visibility. The mouth of the pipe is blocked and closed securely to avoid the effects of high pressure.

The mixer prepares the cement mixture suitable for injection by mixing cement and water homogeneously. The compactor moves this mixture under high pressure to the injection point. The boiler injection machine is a product that has the flexibility to be used in horizontal and vertical pumping and injection of high-density materials such as fluid calcium-based construction chemicals, cement, plaster, ready-made plaster, screed and bolt grout. The desired density of sherbet is prepared by adding water and the appropriate amount of cement into the mixer. This mixture is conveyed to the injection area through wired hoses coming out of the compressor and is injected to the application point with high pressure.
e. Injection Preparations
Harç (şerbet) için su-çimento oranı, R tipi çimento kullanılarak 0,4 – 0,44 arasında değişecektir. 42.5 II CEM. UMBRELLA BORULARININ ucuna kadar uzanan telli enjeksiyon borusu kullanılarak enjeksiyon yapılır. Enjeksiyon işlemi, UMBRELLA borularının ucunda bulunan kısa hortumdan iletilerek deliğin kenarı ile boru arasındaki boşluk ile borunun içini tüm uzunluğu boyunca dolduracak ve enjeksiyon kuyusundaki ikinci borudan dışarı atılana kadar devam eder. Bu şekilde borunun tamamen enjeksiyon ile dolması sağlanır Uzun hortumdan tahliye gerçekleştikten sonra hortumun ucu kırılarak tahliye sonlandırılır. Ancak, bu aşamada basıncı arttırmak için 1 dakika kadar daha basınçlı sisteme enjeksiyon verilmeye devam eder. Bu aşama her süren borusu için ayrı ayrı uygulanacaktır.
Quality units create injection cubes by taking occasional injection samples during injection, following standard requirements for mandatory injection tests, and subjecting them to uniaxial pressure tests.
f. Re-entry to Excavation and Excavation Steps

UMBRELLA PIPE DRIVING manufacturing is carried out through a gradual excavation process. These stages continue with the creation of the drilling mirror, drilling assembly, and injection processes. After pipe assembly, excavation stages begin. The 6 or 4-rise anodes determined according to project specifications continue until a progress of 4.80m or 5m is achieved. When excavation stages are completed, the assembly of rising anodes will create a 0.5m gap in the drilling mirror. The UMBRELLA PIPE DRIVING manufacturing continues with the new mirror. In the excavation divided into anodes with this series, the progress step for each UMBRELLA PIPE DRIVING manufacturing is approximately half the length of the pipe (9m). While the half of the driven pipe carries the load above the next excavation area, the newly driven pipes underneath allow the creation of a new excavation area. UMBRELLA PIPE DRIVING manufacturing ensures the equal distribution of tunnel load through overlapping pipes, preventing the tunnel load from concentrating on the shell.

These references provide more information on the implementation of UMBRELLA PIPE DRIVING and the results of the system. They also contain detailed information about the machinery and materials used in manufacturing.
- Kurt, C., Yılmaz, Ö., Şimşek, S. (No date) Implementation and Results of the Pipe Umbrella (Umbrella Arch) Method in Istanbul Metro Tunnels. [No Source]
- (No date). Umbrella Arch. [Online Source] URL:
- Ayçe Makine. (No date).[Online Source]
- Baki ACİL (2024) [Online Source]
- Moya Shoring Materials [Online Source]